Book Witch

Hi, i'm bookwitch!
i love to read, knit, craft, and of course, act.
i've been in 14 plays... and i will list them here...
  1. Rumpelstiltskin
  2. Snow Witch
  3. Sleepy Sarsaparilla
  4. Robin Good and her Merry Hoods
  5. Les Miserables
  6. Julius Caesar
  7. As You Like It
  8. Peter Pan
  9. Love's Labors Lost
  10. Alice in Wonderland
  11. Dracula
  12. Taming of the Shrew
  13. Pride and Prejudice
  14. HAMLET!!! 
Hamlet was the most recent and I WAS HAMLET! it was really fun.To be, or not to be, that is the question.

Hi everyone!
my buddies and I are making a Movie!!! we are all super excited and Camera Girl and Maddie wrote the script together! I am so excited!!!!

I Made A NEW blog and it's check it out!!!


This blog has been neglected over the summer, but I am proud to announce that I will be performing in a play very soon,. It's called the Imaginary Invalid, by Moliere. I am one of the main characters and her name is Angelique. It's a french play. I am SOOO excited! 


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