Purple Pixie

April 6th, 2012

Hey everyone!
I'm Purple Pixie and I'm the author of The Unsocialized Homeschooler and The Diary of Chirpy. I love reading, writing, writing and receiving letters, cats, horses, birds, and of course, ACTING! My favorite director is...... Mrs. B! I have been in five plays with her.
  • As You Like It
  • Dracula
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Hamlet 
I have also been in one play with my church, a comedy for Christmas: Randolph the Plain-Nosed Reindeer!
I'll be posting a ton on all of my blogs, so I hope you enjoy!
♥ Purple Pixie


Email: purplepixieblogger@gmail.com
Web: The Unsocialized Homeschooler (or here!)


  1. You've been in the Taming of the Shrew? Which person were you?


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